August 2022 – Kitchen Cleaning

August 2022 – Kitchen Cleaning

The kitchen is considered the heart and soul of the home–and rightly so, as meals for family and guests are prepared there. At MTDL, we’re all about keeping your homes spic-and-span for every occasion. Whether you have company coming over or just want to enjoy simple...
July 2022 – Laundry Tips

July 2022 – Laundry Tips

Tips for keeping on top of your laundry! There’s nothing worse than a growing “mountain” of laundry taking over your living space. When we’re doing laundry for our customers at MTDL, we continually come up with ways to make sure laundry is done efficiently and...
June 2022

June 2022

Happy Matariki and hope you are all doing well as we shift towards cooler climates. As Matariki marks the start of a new year, it could be an excellent time to freshen up your home with a good old Winter Cleaning! At My To Do List, we believe that getting the best...
April 2022

April 2022

Hope you and your whanau had a fabulous Easter break!! At My To Do List, we’re committed not just to delivering quality results and giving our customers big smiles–we also want to share with you tried and tested tools to help you maintain your home’s cleanliness and...
March 2022

March 2022

Things have been pretty busy over at the MTDL office. We’re thankful for your support and appreciate your efforts to communicate to us your quickly-changing family and home situations. We are doing our best to accommodate everyone’s changes and apologise if we have to...