January/February 2022

January/February 2022

Happy Chinese New Year! At MTDL, we’re looking forward to embracing this Year of the Tiger with bravery, wisdom and strength! A Carpet Cleaning Tip from Our Expert If you enjoy red wine, you’ll want to read on for an easy solution for stains from our...
Holiday Cleaning Hacks to Liven Up Your Home

Holiday Cleaning Hacks to Liven Up Your Home

As Christmas and New Year’s draw nearer, most of us may be busy preparing for lunches, dinners, luncheons, you name it!  With an already busy schedule filled with work, family obligations, and household chores, is it any wonder that cleaning up for the holidays is...
November 2021

November 2021

November is here–and summer is coming soon!  While we’re waiting for the new Traffic Light system, we’re managing to keep busy finding ways to keep you busy while we’re all still at home. With more gorgeous sunny weather on its way, you may be noticing that your...
October 2021 – Declutter your closet

October 2021 – Declutter your closet

In case you missed it, spring officially sprung on the 23rd of September, so there’s one more good reason to get tidy and organised this season (besides being in a looooooong lockdown!). One idea we have for you is decluttering your closet. It feels so good to...
September 2021

September 2021

Kia ora, Friends, Family and Fans, Because we’re not allowed to clean until Level 2 (sigh…), once again we’re reaching out from our bubbles to your bubbles. Hope you and your whanau have been keeping well, getting rested and revived, and staying...